Manufacturing excellence since 1945.
The employees of Carolina Mop Manufacturing Company are among the finest in the industry. It is their skill, training, and dedication which ensures you the quality we guarantee. Allow us to take the worry out of your floor care tool purchases by depending on the CAMOCO label for the highest quality.
Since 1945, our commercial cleaning products come with a customer satisfaction guarantee. Our raw materials and finished products are sourced through vendors that meet our high quality standards. Our internal quality control process guarantees that no product is sold without our utmost confidence in its performance.
For over 70 years our goal has remained the same; to provide value to our customers. Through our long-standing relationships with suppliers and the volume of products we produce, we are able to provide competitive prices. The efficiencies we have created in our logistics, labor, automation and economies of scale is passed along to our customers in the form of competitive prices.
Carolina Mop was established by Mr. and Mrs. Teasley A. Moorehead in the Upstate of South Carolina in 1945. We have been manufacturing floor cleaning products for over 70 years! We are a family-owned manufacturer and treat out customers, large or small with the personal attention they deserve.